
Elk Point Recreational Facilities Chase the Ace – Draw#13

Amount Raised $240

Remaining Tickets

Progressive Jackpot For This Draw $1,183.50 plus 30% of the amount raised for the current draw.

Elk Point Recreational Facilities Chase the Ace – Draw#13

Our objective is to enhance the quality of life for people living in our agricultural community. The Elk Point Recreational Facilities is thankful for supporting our fundraising.

Available Cards For This Draw


1 ticket(s) for $5

5 ticket(s) for $20

Each ticket gives you one chance to win the raffle.

If you are currently in Alberta and it shows that this raffle is not available in your location, please select your state/province here to confirm your current location.

Confirm My Current Location

Important Dates & Times

January 29, 2025 07:00 pm MT


January 29, 2025 06:00 pm MT


Draw Location

AG Ross Arena 5326 51 St, Elk Point, Alberta T0A 1A0 Canada


January 29, 2025 07:00 pm MT


January 29, 2025 06:00 pm MT


Draw Location

AG Ross Arena 5326 51 St, Elk Point, Alberta T0A 1A0 Canada
about image

About the Organization

The Elk Point & District Agricultural Society owns and operates the A.G. Ross Arena and the C.G. Baker Riding Arena in Elk Point. Our objective is to enhance the quality of life for people living in our agricultural community. The operation of these recreational facilities is integral to achieving this objective. We have partnered with the Elk Point Curling Society to present this raffle. The Curling Society owns and operates the Elk Point Curling Rink, the third major recreational facility in the town of Elk Point. For questions or concerns, please contact us at elkpointchasetheace@gmail.com.

Organization Contact Information

Call us: 780-210-0518

Chairperson: Margaret Bayduza


  • Raffle tickets are available for purchase online and shall not be sold to a person under the age of majority in your jurisdiction. Should the name of a minor be placed on the winning ticket, the prize(s) will not be awarded until the conditions of the Public Trustee Act are met.
  • Draw will take place on the location, date and time as per the raffle details. All ticket stubs will be placed into a rotating drum and one ticket will be drawn for each prize and the winner’s information recorded.  RNG (Random Number Generator) will only be used to select the winning ticket(s) if the local raffle regulatory board has approved the RNG system prior to the start date of the raffle.
  • To be eligible for the raffle draw, payment must be received on or before the sale end date and time as per the raffle details.
  • Prize(s) must be accepted as awarded.
  • Winner(s) will be notified by phone within 7 days of being drawn. If a winner cannot be located by phone, they will be notified by registered mail within 30 days of the winning ticket being drawn.
  • If the winner cannot be located within 365 days of the winning ticket being drawn, an application will be made to local raffle regulatory board to have the prize awarded to the organization conducting the raffle.
  • All tickets are final.
  • Winner(s) name(s) will be made available to the public no later than 48 hours after the final draw by website or upon request.
  • In the event a winning ticket stub has more than one name on it, the prize shall be awarded to only one of the individuals identified on the ticket. The organization conducting the raffle or the local raffle regulatory board are not responsible for any disputes which may arise between the different individuals whose names appear on the ticket stub.
  • Any questions or concerns shall be directed to the organization conducting the raffle.
  •  Prize(s) will be awarded directly by the organization.


Elk Point Recreational Facilities Chase the Ace
Progressive Raffle Rules
AGLC Licence #706872


1. This raffle is a Chase the Ace format in which there are 2 components: (a) a weekly event percentage draw where the winner is awarded 20% of the gross sales for the current period. (b) A weekly progressive draw where the winner of the event draw selects a card from a diminishing deck of playing cards. If the card drawn is the Ace of Spades the progressive pool is won.
2. The progressive pool increases by 30% of gross ticket sales for each weekly event, and the number of cards to choose from diminishes by 1 each time a card is drawn.
3. The license ends when the Ace of Spades is drawn.
4. Draw events will be open to the public, however, ticket purchasers do not have to be present to win. If the holder of the winning ticket for the Event Percentage draw is not available to select a card for the progressive draw, a Designated Proxy will be appointed to make the selection on their behalf.
5. All ticket purchases will be completed online. Ticket orders will be processed by Charity 5050 Raffle Inc., an AGLC-approved vendor. In the event of any discrepancy, the records of Charity 5050 Raffle Inc. shall be deemed correct and final. The Elk Point and District Agricultural Society and the Elk Point and District Curling Society are responsible for the conduct and management of the raffle. The liability of the licensee shall be limited to the purchase price of the ticket.
6. By purchasing a ticket in the Elk Point Recreational Facilities Progressive Raffle, the purchaser acknowledges that they have read, understood and agreed to the raffle rules as published. All inquiries regarding the conduct, chance of winning, prizing or procedures of the raffle are to be made to the Elk Point and District Agricultural Society or the Elk Point and District Curling Society prior to the purchase of a ticket.
7. The estimated amount of the weekly percentage draw and the Chase the Ace progressive pool will be posted on https://playchasetheace.com/ElkPointAG/.
8. Complaints, concerns or comments should be addressed to The Elk Point and District Agricultural Society and the Elk Point and District Curling Society via email at elkpointchasetheace@gmail.com or by mail to Elk Point Recreational Facilities Chase the Ace, c/o Elk Point Ag Society, Box 156, Elk Point AB, T0A 1A0.


1. Ticket purchasers must be 18 years of age or older to enter the raffle.
2. All ticket purchasers must be located in Alberta at the time of purchase.
3. All members of the Elk Point and District Agricultural Society and the Elk Point and District Curling Society may purchase tickets, with the exception of the Raffle Chairperson and the Event Chairpersons, for each weekly raffle.
4. In order to qualify for a chance to win the Chase the Ace Progressive Pool, customers must purchase a ticket for the weekly raffle event.

Ticket Sales

1. Tickets must be purchased in the province of Alberta.
2. Tickets may be purchased online at https://playchasetheace.com/ElkPointAG/.
3. Tickets can be ordered offline by submitting purchaser information (first and last name, address, phone number, email address, ticket package(s) requested, draw week subscribed) and payment in full. The cutoff for offline ticket orders is 3 pm on Wednesdays. Orders received after the cutoff will be processed during the next weekly event draw. Offline ticket orders will not be processed until purchaser information and payment has been received in full. Offline ticket orders will be entered into the raffle platform by the event chairpersons or their designates. Offline ticket orders are subject to ticket availability through the online raffle platform. Offline ticket orders are not a completed ticket sale until they have been successfully entered into the online raffle platform.
4. Ticket sales will begin at 12:01 am on October 30, 2024 and will end on the date that the progressive pool is won.
5. Week 1 event draw will be on November 6, 2024.
6. Tickets will be available beginning at 8:00 pm each Wednesday following the weekly draw and will cut off every week at 6:00 pm on the Wednesday of the current event draw.
7. Due to Christmas and New Years, the following adjustments will be made to the weekly schedule:
** Week 8 - ticket sales begin Wednesday, December 18, 2024; ticket sales end Thursday, December 26, 2024
** Week 9 - ticket sales begin Thursday, December 26; ticket sales end Thursday, January 2, 2025
** Week 10 - ticket sales begin Thursday, January 2, 2025; ticket sales end Wednesday, January 8, 2025
8. Tickets are available at the following prices:
** 1 ticket $5 (60,000 tickets available)
** 5 tickets $20 (30,000 packages with a total of 150,000 tickets available)
9. There is no weekly limit to the number of available tickets or bundles.
10.All tickets will be delivered by email directly from Charity 5050 Raffle Inc. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to ensure they receive the ticket(s); however purchasers do not need their tickets in hand to be included in the draws.
11. Ticket purchasers are required to enter their email address correctly with no errors when purchasing to ensure they receive their ticket(s) and should check their spam and junk mail folders if they have not received their ticket(s). Purchasers may contact Charity 5050 Raffle Inc. (hello@playchasetheace.com) to resolve any issues with receipt of tickets.
12.Each purchaser of tickets for each weekly raffle draw will qualify for one chance to win the Elk Point Recreational Facilities Chase the Ace for the current period.
13.All completed ticket sales are final. There will be no refunds issued to anyone for any reason. All tickets purchased and the raffle numbers of those respective tickets are entered into the draw and cannot be refunded, including if a purchaser made an error in selecting the number of tickets they desired to purchase or entered any personal information incorrectly.
14.Offline ticket orders will be refunded if the raffle ends prior to the ticket order being entered into the raffle platform to complete the sale. Specifically, ticket orders for future weekly events will be refunded if the raffle ends before those weekly events are held.
15.If the Raffle sells out before the progressive pot is won, the Elk Point and District Agricultural Society and the Elk Point and District Curling Society may apply to AGLC to add tickets to the raffle licence to continue with the Raffle.

Weekly Percentage Raffle Draw

1. Online ticket sales will conclude every Wednesday at 6:00 pm (offline ticket order cutoff is 3:00 pm).
2. The first Event Percentage draw will be held on November 6, 2024 at 7:00 pm and will continue at approximately the same time each subsequent week on Wednesdays. The progressive draw will be held on Wednesdays at approximately 7:30 pm each week following the weekly event draw after an attempt has been made to contact the weekly event winner. Progressive draws will continue until the progressive pool has been won.
3. Due to Christmas and New Years, the following adjustments will be made to the weekly draw schedule:
a. Week 8 - draws occur on Thursday, December 26, 2024
b. Week 9 - draws occur on Thursday, January 2, 2025
4. The raffle draws will take place at the AG Ross Arena, 5326 51 St, Elk Point, Alberta.
5. Ticket holders may witness the draw in person, but do not need to be present at the draw in order to win or claim their prize.
6. The winning raffle number will be selected via Random Number Generation. The winning number will be announced and displayed. The draws may be live-streamed on social media.
7. At least two executive members of the Elk Point and District Agricultural Society or the Elk Point and District Curling Society (or their delegates) will be present to witness each draw. Contact information (name and phone number) of both draw witnesses will be documented and maintained in the raffle records. The draw will be videotaped and the recording will be maintained in the raffle records.

Prizes and Notification

1. The winner of the Event Percentage draw will be awarded 20% of the gross sales for the current weekly period.
2. The Event Percentage raffle winner is also qualified to participate in the current weekly progressive draw as described in the following section: Progressive Draw Procedure.
3. The holder of the winning ticket from the Event Percentage draw will be notified by email and telephone immediately following the draw.
4. The winner of the Progressive Draw will be notified by email and telephone.
5. The winning ticket number of each weekly Percentage Raffle event and the playing card selected in each progressive draw will be posted on the event website immediately following the draw.

Progressive Draw Procedure

Deck Preparation

1. Provide a standard 4 suit, ace to king, 52 card deck of playing cards.
2. Display cards by suit and rank to verify deck.
3. Shuffle cards face-down to get a good mixture.
4. Without revealing any card faces, insert each card in an opaque coin envelope.
5. Seal each envelope and have Event Chairperson initial each flap.
6. Shuffle envelopes.
7. Number each envelope with a small number on large flap. Envelope numbers to be used for inventory control and in the event that a weekly event percentage draw winner cannot be contacted prior to the progressive draw.
8. This is the deck to be used for all events in the raffle.
9. All Progressive draws will be held at the AG Ross Arena, 5326 51 St, Elk Point, Alberta.

Deck Custody

1. Secure available envelopes and previously drawn cards in a locked box between draws.
2. Raffle Chairperson or Event Chairperson(s) to hold a key to the locked box.
3. Raffle Chairperson or Event Chairperson to maintain custody of the locked box with envelopes and cards.

Contacting Event Percentage Draw Winner

1. Event Chairperson will initiate the Progressive Draw after the Event Percentage draw is complete.
2. Using the name, email address and phone number of the Event Percentage Draw winner:
(a) The notification email will be sent to the provided address.
(b) Two attempts, 15 minutes apart, will be made to contact the Event Percentage Draw winner at the provided telephone number.
(c) In the case of no answer, the notification telephone message will be left if possible.
(d) If the Event Percentage Draw winner responds to the email, answers the call or calls within 30 minutes of Step 2.a, the Progressive Draw will be made with the Event Percentage winner.
(e) If the Event Percentage Draw winner cannot be contacted within 30 minutes of Step 2.a, the Progressive Draw card selection will be the highest remaining numbered envelope (per Progressive Draw Procedure Deck Preparation Step 7).

Progressive Prize Draw

1. The available envelopes will be counted out to confirm match to expected number.
2. The available envelopes will be shuffled.
3. The Event Percentage Draw winner will state a number within the range available to be the envelope selected for the card-reveal upon dealing the envelopes.
4. Envelopes will be counted as they are dealt by the Event Chairperson until the number chosen in Step 3 is reached. This will be the selected card for the Progressive Prize Draw.
5. If the Event Percentage Draw winner cannot be reached prior to the Progressive Prize Draw to choose the number in Step 3, the highest numbered remaining envelope will be selected for the Progressive Prize Draw.
6. The selected card will be removed from the envelope and revealed to the public.
(a) If the card is the Ace of Spades, the Progressive Prize is awarded to the Event Percentage draw winner and the raffle is closed.
(b) If the card selected is not the Ace of Spades:
i. (i) the Event Percentage Draw winner is a non-winner of the Progressive Draw
ii. (ii) the Progressive Prize is rolled over to the next event.
(c) The selected card is removed from available inventory.
7. The selected card suit and value along with a number of available envelopes for the next event is published on the website.

Claiming and Payment of Prizes

1. The winner of the Event Percentage Raffle prize and, if applicable, the Progressive Pool will contact the Elk Point and District Agricultural Society or the Elk Point and District Curling Society as directed in the email and telephone calls made by the Event Chairperson.
2. When a winning ticket is presented, the winner must show 1 piece of government-issued identification proving their age to be over 18 and complete a claim form.
3. All prizes will be paid by cheque.
4. Winners have one calendar year from the date of the draw in which their prize was won to claim their prize. The Elk Point and District Agricultural Society and the Elk Point and District Curling Society will make a reasonable effort to contact the winner throughout the year.

Unclaimed Prizes

1. Prizes which remain unclaimed after one year from the respective draw date will be considered unclaimed.
2. Unclaimed prizes will be reported to, and a charitable allocation approved by Alberta Gaming Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC).


1. By claiming a prize, the winner consents to the use of their likeness/photograph, first and last name, ticket number, city/town of residence and the audio/video recording (or written transcript) of the winner notification telephone call for any publicity purposes by the Elk Point and District Agricultural Society or the Elk Point and District Curling Society.
2. The Raffle sponsors, the Elk Point and District Agricultural Society and the Elk Point and District Curling Society, respect the privacy of our raffle supporters. We will not sell, rent or trade our supporter lists.


1. The Elk Point and District Agricultural Society and the Elk Point and District Curling Society may rescind, cancel, amend or revoke the Raffle, subject to the prior approval of AGLC. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Elk Point and District Agricultural Society and the Elk Point and District Curling Society reserves the right to cancel or modify the raffle and/or these Official Rules, in whole or in part and without notice, if the Elk Point and District Agricultural Society or the Elk Point and District Curling Society determines that fraud or technical or other failures have threatened or destroyed the integrity of the Raffle.
2. If the Raffle sells out before the progressive pot is won, the Elk Point and District Agricultural Society and the Elk Point and District Curling Society may apply to AGLC to add tickets to the raffle licence to continue with the Raffle.

Award of Progressive Pool upon Cancellation

1. If the Raffle is terminated by the Elk Point and District Agricultural Society and the Elk Point and District Curling Society for any reason, a draw will be made from all weekly Event Percentage Draw winners. The winner of that draw will be the Progressive Prize Draw winner.
a. Each card selected by the Event Percentage Draw winners will be placed in an opaque envelope.
b. The envelopes will be placed in a clear or mesh container and rotated a minimum of three times.
c. The Event Chairperson will select one envelope.
d. The envelope will be opened and the card revealed.
e. The Event Percentage Draw winner who originally selected that card will be awarded the Progressive Prize.